Crystal Wiki


H3ADLINES #5 - 2015年03月28日


Crystal-Jade Vaughan - Part I

Crystal is 3A’s newest designer, Milky Bot being her first release as part of a new series of figures created and designed by her. Crystal and I chatted about a year ago about her origins and upcoming adventures with 3A.

Crystal是3A最新的設計師,Milky Bot(牛奶機器人)是她創作的新系列裡面第一個發售的玩具。大約在一年前Crystal和我聊過她的出發點和將在3A的未來。

Alrighty Crystal, tell us about yourself

I’m Crystal-Jade, I’m from the UK. My dream legacy is to create believable and filmic stories, that can translate beautifully into quality toys and much more. I’m a training pilot, lover of history, aerospace and industrial design.



What’s your background in design?

I don’t originate from design directly. I started off as an imagery intelligence analyst, working on security and surveillance systems. I deferred my place at Oxford University to study English Language and Literature, so I could continue further operations and training. I was interested in weaponry, AFV’s, aviation, and other confidential areas of defense. It was a dream career, but there were aspects that made me realize it wasn’t sustainable. I studied to be a filmmaker, later graduating with a degree in traditional 2d animation. I worked at Shepperton Film Studios as an assistant art director and concept artist. Later going on to Microsoft’s Lionhead Studios, Disney Consumer Products, and Microsoft’s London studio as a video game concept artist. It was a natural ascension and dream to develop my own franchise and intellectual property with 3A. It gave me hope that outside of a mass corporation we could do things differently, and still reach a like-minded people. 


我一開始並不是从事设计的。我是从影像智能分析开始,从事的是安保系统的行业。之后我延期了牛津大学学习英国文学,这样我可以继续受到教育。我之前对武器,AFV,航空及其它国防机密感兴趣。那曾是我梦想的工作,但是从另一方面我意识到那并不是适合我的工作。所以我曾经学习如果成为一个电影制作者,后来我拿到了一个传统2d动画制作的学位。我曾在Shepperton Film Sttudio工作,职业是艺术助理及概念艺术家。之后我去了微软的Lionhead Studio(神鬼寓言的制作放),工作是游戏概念艺术家。这个过程我学习并有了在3A制作属于自己的故事及玩具梦想。他给我了一个希望,希望我们可与大型公司不同的做事方式,并且依然与志同道合的人能在一起。

How did you discover 3A?

A concept artist at Blizzard had spread his ‘booty’ as far as the eye could see across the art office. I thought that was the coolest thing in the universe! I had a quiet moment alone standing in the middle of his collection. I felt like the MOON. All these intricate creations orbiting around me. HA. It was magic! I was a giant that had just unveiled an ancient terracotta miniature army! I inched forward to examine what these all were, I was enraptured. There were robots, and warriors, the best weapons, AND just the best designs I HAD EVER SEEN. I thought the word ‘toy’ was futile here. It was so much more than that. When my friend returned, I tried to be totally cool and normal. I managed to squeak out a helium worthy, ‘What are these man!?!’. He’s like, ‘That’s Ashley Wood.’ My jaw hit the floor. My eyebrows hit the High Strike bell. ‘Fuck me’ I murmured, ‘that’s pretty awesome.’ 


在Blizzard(暴雪,魔兽世界的制作方)的一个概念设计艺术家在办公室放话说他的收藏非常庞大。我想那应该是全宇宙里最酷的吧!我曾有很长一段时间单独站在他的收藏品中。我太兴奋了。所有他那些精美的创作品都环绕着我。哈。简直跟魔法一样!我就像一个刚刚发现古代兵马俑的巨人一样!我眉飞色舞的细细的查看每一个藏品。有机器人,有战士,有最棒的武器,还有我见过的最.棒.的.设.计.们。我觉得单一个玩具这个词无法形容。我试图保持冷静,我憋出一句话,冷冷的说,“伙计这是什么!?!”然后他说,“那是Ashley Wood的作品。”我惊讶的下巴都掉了,眉色大开。“我擦…”我小声说,“真太棒了。”

Why 3A? What drew you to the brand?  

Multitude of reasons. The paramount thing for me was the subject choice, and the impeccable design and execution of those worlds. They are like mini movies to me, they play out. Gritty WW, Robots, sci-fi, space, warriors, samurai, military, soldiers, clones, these are all subjects that are close to me. IMMERSIVE. I want to breathe a REALness into the worlds that I create. I want to find joy in channeling that into a real physical item that people can hold within an inch of their nose, and see something personal and special. It connects us all. That’s exactly what I wanted. NOT a mass produced, half effort, cheap, pop creation. I wanted something different. Something that showcased my own vision and taste. I also valued the sheer capability of one man. I’ve encountered many admirable, diligent workers, but Ash’s dedication is untiring. He’s an artist for the artist. 



Any particular influences from pop-culture that inspire you?

There is too much to name, D’ARNIT! I’ll pick one. Hmmm. Films! Star Wars, Bladerunner, Indiana Jones. I think I know why, It’s because those movies not only were designed so well, but they were so funny! I love a good smarmy wiseass. Actually, maybe I just have a thing for Harrison Ford. I love Syd Mead. He is the godfather of concept art. I actually had the unbelievable privilege to go to his house to meet him. We spoke about Bladerunner production design, and being an automotive, aircraft and naval designer. I cannot believe he is in his 80’s, he is such a divine talent and a good heart. 


太多了我说不过来,真烦!不过让我来选一个吧。hmm,电影!Star Wars(星战),Blade Runner(银翼杀手),Indiana Jones(印第安纳琼斯)[]()。我想我知道原因了,因为这些电影不仅仅因为他们设计的非常号,也因为他们非常有趣!我喜欢恰到好处的谄媚和小聪明。实际上,也许我是因为喜欢Harrison Ford(哈里斯福特)吧。我爱Syd Mead(席德·米德,概念设计艺术家,代表作是银翼杀手,异形2,Tron,Elysium等)。他可是概念艺术的教父。我曾有不可意思的荣幸去到他家里见他。我们谈过关于银翼杀手的设计,如何成为一个汽车,飞行器以及传播的设计师。我真不敢相信他已经80多岁了,他是如此一个有天赋,好心肠的人。

Next week we’ll learn a bit more about Crystal and what sorts of projects she is up to!

